Sunday, September 2, 2012

Doritos = sucking thumb and biting nails?

What makes Doritos so good?

First off you must know that I am writing out of boredom, and I have no idea where this writing will go. In fact, I just got my inspiration from a half eaten bag of Doritos sitting in front of me.

If you are a normal person, then you must have tried Doritos, the inexplicably delicious, orange, crunchy and cheesy chips which are the shape of distorted triangles. If you think about it, it is hard to tell what makes Doritos so addictive. It's like one of those foods you can't tell why they are so good, like coke or hamburgers. I guess, the simplest way to put it is, "it makes you feel good, therefore it tastes good". But if someone asks you why you like Doritos, you have to be more specific than that.

The taste is cheesy, quite literally. The cheesy taste will eventually gets so strong, it becomes unpleasantly salty. However, the first few chips are delicious. (this writing is cheesy.. what?) But to think of eating only cheese until it gets too salty is crazy! Even if you really like cheese, you would never eat it alone, but eat it with something else. Then what makes doritos an exception?


...Eureka! Doritos and sucking thumbs and biting nails. The saltiness of doritos is very similar to the taste of sucking your fingers and its crunchiness to that of biting nails. There is a remarkable resemblance! All of us used to suck on our thumbs, and bite nails as children, and some never quit the habit. What about you? Think about it. If a smoker quits smoking, and he is given another very similar product, which is much less harmful compared to cigarettes, but has the same effect, he or she will replace his smoking habits with that. Maybe, we are doing the same. Maybe we stopped sucking our thumbs, but replaced it with eating salty foods like Doritos and popcorn. Doritos is better because it even replaces the "nail-biting" habits. I imagine you thinking this is outlandish and silly, however my theory should be more persuasive after my next point.

Why are the chips in doritos the shape of a triangle? It is probably the only triangular shaped chip you could think of on top of your head. Well look at the tip of your nails. They are triangular - they resemble the shape of doritos. When you eat a chip of doritos, do you make the pointy side of the chip go inside your mouth first, like you would bite your nail? What about the color of doritos? the orange color reminds me of the color fingers. In fact, if I took off my glasses, and someone was sucking on a chip of doritos, I would probably think that he or she was sucking on their finger! (well my eyesight is kinda bad)

So yeah, doritos are not healthy at all, and occasionally leaves little wounds in your mouth, however the doritos do a fine job when it comes down to replacing the bad habit of sucking thumbs and biting nails.

Did you enjoy my random thoughts? Please leave a comment on what you're thinking.
Or do you think this was just none-sense?
Rather it's right or wrong, I don't care really care. In fact, I appreciate criticisms. After all
I just wrote this out of boredom :P
Tho I'm pretty convinced by my random thought at this point.
Optimus prime.
So this spells out Doritos

After all this was a pretty interesting writing, an inception which even I am now confused of it's validity.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

who created the creators?

Who created the creators? I was inspired by a quote in Dan Brown's novel "Digital Fortress" - "Who supervises the supervisors?" You could apply that to almost everything, for example the government. Something to think about, but I find this more interesting - who created the creators? It's fundamentally the same question as, "why do we live? or what is life?" You are questioning life, something one does not do very often.

Now pretend that you're an alien (composed of only gas) or an observer with no body at all who comes from another dimension to our world. Their opinion of our world? Chaos. Our world just becomes bizarre. Once you're aware of the concept of multiple dimensions, the world looks very different. For instance, when I learned that there could be a fourth dimension or more, and when I looked around my class room and looked at my hand, everything looked like origami (I almost lost my sanity, seriously). The fact that you can only see one side of an object at once, and how "time" is just another axis of dimensions is very strange once you're aware of it. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is that the world we live in is not "natural" and it's not the "way it should be". imagine that civilized aliens that look like jelly fish and that are filled with gas (instead of blood-like liquid) come to visit our planet from another galaxy far far away. They will see a unique specie of a dominant mammal that is the shape of a, well, a human (somewhat resembling a starfish), that consists 70% water, and built with flash and bones, covered in cotton and textile products of different shapes and patterns, living inside concrete walls, transporting in complexly engineered metal vehicles, and living in "colonies" like ants. Born and raised in such environments, you may not have been aware of your unique circumstances. But now you are, so now that we're on the same page, let me ask you a question: Who are we? or, to be exact, what are we?

Now this is where philosophy and religion kicks in. I don't wanna talk about this part because one can simply argue and claim his opinion to be the right one forever, but one can never know the truth. Once I studied philosophy for a while, and the most satisfying answer that I got was, "We are whatever we define" It's so simple yet so complicated. It's all about perspectives. Everything we know, the world as it is, could be a result of an accident caused by a collision of two molecules, also known as the Big Bang. God may have caused the big bang. Our knowledge is so limited we may never know the truth, and we don't have to. What does a piece of mold on a window know about this world? We are probably less than that piece of mold if we compare the size of our world to that of the universe. If our civilization began about 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia, then surely there are older civilizations in the universe, which is about 10 billion years old. If a civilization began 5 billion years ago, imagine the technology and knowledge that they've achieved. Are you impressed by an iphone? other civilizations may have very likely achieved technologies like teleportation, invisibility, and creating life, organisms (In fact, that could be how life on Earth was created. We may be test subjects.) Long story short, I don't know, but it's a worthy question to think about - who created the creators?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Family and it's Godfather

(Spoiler warning)

Last week I finished watching the "epic crime film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the 1969 novel by Mario Puzo." Yes, as wikipedia says it, I watched the The Epic Godfather trilogy. Personally, I'm not a fan of "old movies", but this was an exception. yes, it was a big exception. After watching the film, The Godfather left me with a deep impression. In fact, I almost cried at the end. (I always "almost cry" after watching watching a sad movie or reading a tragic story, but never really cried") Anyways, as I saw the movie, I watched how a young and innocent man grew into a dreaded mafia, to accomplish one thing in his life - protecting his family.

Michael, who becomes the Godfather, did not want to inherit all the power and responsibility from his father. he did not want blood on his hands. However, as his family became a target from the other families (aka mafias), including his father, Michael was forced to step into the "dirty" business. Surprisingly, a guy who looked so benign and normal, turned out to be a talented mafia. He was cold and merciless. As soon as he took over, he ordered the assassination of the heads of the Five Families, and later on he even kills his own brother who betrayed him. (However, until he becomes very old, he regrets this) All the killings and lying to protect his family. Ironically, his daughter dies at the end by a hit man, who intended to kill Michael.

As I watched Michael, a kind person, turn into a cold and bloody mafia, in order to keep his family members alive, I felt a strong sympathy for him. Why does one have to kill others to protect his family? What kind of a sick joke of fate is this? I, who is still a growing adolescent, learned the heavy responsibility that a "father" has to carry, literally a burden on his back. This made me think about my family. I looked at Don Corleone's family and Michael, then back to my family. How light was my value on my family! compared to Michael, I was blessed not having to worry about the death of my family and all. But I also realized the weakened bond in my family, due to lack of communication and love. There may be many factors, but the point is I realized how when my family is not cursed like Michael's, I ignored the true value and my family and did not even try to appreciate it.

I think that this is a great movie for everyone of every age, especially to our generation who lack the communication and interaction in their families. This movie awakened me in a sense that I learned to really really really appreciate my family, and truly love them. God bless my family, God bless you all and your families.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Addiction to music

There are two things that I'm addicted to - internet and music.
I'm probably a part of the majority who just sits in front of their computer for a really long time, but music, I am really addicted to music.
It developed in such a subtle way that I don't even remember when it began..
Like heavy smokers smoke a lot, I do a lot of music; no, I do not simply listen to music, I do music.
I carry my ipod 24-7 and I need it when I'm going to sleep. When I'm highly stressed, like when my mom was scolding me for getting an a minus on my math class, I start shaking, and then I would do music and it would calm me down. When I do my homework, despite knowing that it distracts me a lot, I do music. This is a serious problem for me. Even if I dont have a song which I want to listen, I just do music. After not having done music for a long time, I get withdrawal symptoms. Yes, I actually get withdrawal symptoms like when a smoker tries to quit smoking. I can't stay still and I get very nervous. I hear music without my headset or the music on, and I dream music (don't wanna talk about that). And when I give up on trying to quit doing music after a stressful struggle with myself, I crawl to where my ipod is, sweating cold and my head dizzy, I grab my ipod with trembling hands and play any song. Then, with great relief, but regret, I'd be like "not again... I can't stop listening to music" I look at my ipod and realize that the song I put on is "Stan" by Eminem. I suddenly feel like standing.. Maybe cuz it rhymed with Stan.
Then I see a fruit seller outside the window. I remember eating pineapple two days ago. Pineapples are one of those food that if you eat once in a while it's good, but if you eat it for like 2 days in a row, you get sick of it. I wonder where pineapples come from. Oh, and in case you believed my story, I was just kidding. Trollolol!