Sunday, September 2, 2012

Doritos = sucking thumb and biting nails?

What makes Doritos so good?

First off you must know that I am writing out of boredom, and I have no idea where this writing will go. In fact, I just got my inspiration from a half eaten bag of Doritos sitting in front of me.

If you are a normal person, then you must have tried Doritos, the inexplicably delicious, orange, crunchy and cheesy chips which are the shape of distorted triangles. If you think about it, it is hard to tell what makes Doritos so addictive. It's like one of those foods you can't tell why they are so good, like coke or hamburgers. I guess, the simplest way to put it is, "it makes you feel good, therefore it tastes good". But if someone asks you why you like Doritos, you have to be more specific than that.

The taste is cheesy, quite literally. The cheesy taste will eventually gets so strong, it becomes unpleasantly salty. However, the first few chips are delicious. (this writing is cheesy.. what?) But to think of eating only cheese until it gets too salty is crazy! Even if you really like cheese, you would never eat it alone, but eat it with something else. Then what makes doritos an exception?


...Eureka! Doritos and sucking thumbs and biting nails. The saltiness of doritos is very similar to the taste of sucking your fingers and its crunchiness to that of biting nails. There is a remarkable resemblance! All of us used to suck on our thumbs, and bite nails as children, and some never quit the habit. What about you? Think about it. If a smoker quits smoking, and he is given another very similar product, which is much less harmful compared to cigarettes, but has the same effect, he or she will replace his smoking habits with that. Maybe, we are doing the same. Maybe we stopped sucking our thumbs, but replaced it with eating salty foods like Doritos and popcorn. Doritos is better because it even replaces the "nail-biting" habits. I imagine you thinking this is outlandish and silly, however my theory should be more persuasive after my next point.

Why are the chips in doritos the shape of a triangle? It is probably the only triangular shaped chip you could think of on top of your head. Well look at the tip of your nails. They are triangular - they resemble the shape of doritos. When you eat a chip of doritos, do you make the pointy side of the chip go inside your mouth first, like you would bite your nail? What about the color of doritos? the orange color reminds me of the color fingers. In fact, if I took off my glasses, and someone was sucking on a chip of doritos, I would probably think that he or she was sucking on their finger! (well my eyesight is kinda bad)

So yeah, doritos are not healthy at all, and occasionally leaves little wounds in your mouth, however the doritos do a fine job when it comes down to replacing the bad habit of sucking thumbs and biting nails.

Did you enjoy my random thoughts? Please leave a comment on what you're thinking.
Or do you think this was just none-sense?
Rather it's right or wrong, I don't care really care. In fact, I appreciate criticisms. After all
I just wrote this out of boredom :P
Tho I'm pretty convinced by my random thought at this point.
Optimus prime.
So this spells out Doritos

After all this was a pretty interesting writing, an inception which even I am now confused of it's validity.