Wednesday, February 1, 2012

who created the creators?

Who created the creators? I was inspired by a quote in Dan Brown's novel "Digital Fortress" - "Who supervises the supervisors?" You could apply that to almost everything, for example the government. Something to think about, but I find this more interesting - who created the creators? It's fundamentally the same question as, "why do we live? or what is life?" You are questioning life, something one does not do very often.

Now pretend that you're an alien (composed of only gas) or an observer with no body at all who comes from another dimension to our world. Their opinion of our world? Chaos. Our world just becomes bizarre. Once you're aware of the concept of multiple dimensions, the world looks very different. For instance, when I learned that there could be a fourth dimension or more, and when I looked around my class room and looked at my hand, everything looked like origami (I almost lost my sanity, seriously). The fact that you can only see one side of an object at once, and how "time" is just another axis of dimensions is very strange once you're aware of it. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is that the world we live in is not "natural" and it's not the "way it should be". imagine that civilized aliens that look like jelly fish and that are filled with gas (instead of blood-like liquid) come to visit our planet from another galaxy far far away. They will see a unique specie of a dominant mammal that is the shape of a, well, a human (somewhat resembling a starfish), that consists 70% water, and built with flash and bones, covered in cotton and textile products of different shapes and patterns, living inside concrete walls, transporting in complexly engineered metal vehicles, and living in "colonies" like ants. Born and raised in such environments, you may not have been aware of your unique circumstances. But now you are, so now that we're on the same page, let me ask you a question: Who are we? or, to be exact, what are we?

Now this is where philosophy and religion kicks in. I don't wanna talk about this part because one can simply argue and claim his opinion to be the right one forever, but one can never know the truth. Once I studied philosophy for a while, and the most satisfying answer that I got was, "We are whatever we define" It's so simple yet so complicated. It's all about perspectives. Everything we know, the world as it is, could be a result of an accident caused by a collision of two molecules, also known as the Big Bang. God may have caused the big bang. Our knowledge is so limited we may never know the truth, and we don't have to. What does a piece of mold on a window know about this world? We are probably less than that piece of mold if we compare the size of our world to that of the universe. If our civilization began about 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia, then surely there are older civilizations in the universe, which is about 10 billion years old. If a civilization began 5 billion years ago, imagine the technology and knowledge that they've achieved. Are you impressed by an iphone? other civilizations may have very likely achieved technologies like teleportation, invisibility, and creating life, organisms (In fact, that could be how life on Earth was created. We may be test subjects.) Long story short, I don't know, but it's a worthy question to think about - who created the creators?